Wednesday, July 20

enchanted image: tiffany's australia

image via {here}
bonjour, mes chéries!  just a quick post for now.  my dear friend lauren, studying in sydney, recently sent me this amazing image.  it's part of tiffany's australia ad campaign, 'true love grows,' and is featured at all sydney bus stops.  how beautiful!  true love leading this perfect couple, the woman in vintage prada, no less, into a dreamland of avenues lined with charming benches for two, with canopies of foliage, allowing soft light to stream through its gaps.  and not a piece of jewelry in sight.  oh i do love brilliant ad campaigns, this for it's other-wordly-ness and impeccable romance.  looking at it, i grow hopeful and, heart fluttering, drift away into a day dream

is there one company who you believe consistently has effective ad campaigns? i'm always impressed and amused by the animated illustrations featured by hermes, to the extent of having created a special folder to save all of their marketing e-mails.  but for now, just look and sigh, and think, this could be me, someday.  

have the most lovely day.  i'm going to see harry potter, at last, and like all great fans, am excited, but not sure if i want it to all be over, just yet.    

xx hillary      

1 comment:

  1. Maribeth CraneJuly 20, 2011 7:40 PM

    love this ad campaign! there's a great one set in NYC as well:

    also, i agree with you about the hermes illustrations. lanvin does cute sketches as well:


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